Thursday, 19 May 2011

As part of our science and DT topics we are going to being planting seeds this term, if you have any spare compost or flower pots that we could use it would be much appreciated.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Summer Term

Welcome back to our final term in Year 3. Over the summer term our topic is World War II, we will be finding out about what impact this had on the local area as well as the wider world. We are also going to be looking at how to help plants grow well, linking this with the 'Dig for Victory' campaign durig the war and it also ties in nicely with our DT project on making sandwiches. We are going to be growing some of our own salad ingredients for the sandwiches, so if you have any unwanted compost or flower pots these would be much appreciated.
Thank You
Year 3 Team